Two blog posts that i found helpful, both written by Klyne Snodgrass on Jesus' return and hell. Here are some exerpts that should whet your appetite.
"...I like N. T. Wright’s recent book Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, And the Mission of the Church (HarperOne, 2008), but as with his earlier work Jesus and the Victory of God(Fortress, 1996), his view of Jesus’ eschatological teaching is unsatisfactory. In Surprised By Hope Wright states baldly that during his earthly ministry Jesus said nothing about his return. Did Wright confine himself to the Synoptics—if that were his intent—and ignore Johhn 14:3, 18, and 28?.... "
"...My concern is to stress that we know far less from Scripture about "hell" than most Christians think. If asked if I believe in hell, I often respond that I believe in gehenna. Most NT writers never mention "hell" or even have much on judgment by fire. All of us know what the English word "hell" means, but that meaning derives from medieval sources (and Greco-Roman ideas) more than Scripture..."
Yes, Klyne Snodgrass is good. He has an excellent book out on Jesus' parables, as well.
...also over on my blog my post of Thursday is on meeting Lois Tverberg.
Yes i agree, i have that particular book but i haven't gotten myself to read the magnum opus! But it will definitely make it's way from the book shelf to my desk soon.
And on Lois Tverberg, wow, things like meeting authors really excites me! Will get to read the post soon!
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